The comedian also discusses the “Wicked”-inspired opening that got scrapped Conan O’Brien is getting props for his Drake joke at the Oscars — in which he joked about the ongoing…
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NIEMAND WARTET! Richard Gere VERLÄSST das Land und ZERSTÖRT Elon Musk mit einer brutalen 8-Wort-Erklärung
In einer schockierenden Wendung der Ereignisse hat Hollywood-Veteran Richard Gere die Vereinigten Staaten offiziell verlassen – und das nicht klammheimlich. Der gefeierte Schauspieler, bekannt für seine Rollen in „Pretty Woman“ und „Ein Offizier…
Elon Musk geht zum Angriff über: „Entziehen Sie der Transgender Katie Spencer sofort ihre Goldmedaille. Lassen Sie nicht zu, dass „W0KE“-Leute den amerikanischen Sport ruinieren!“
Eloip Musk, der milliardenschwere CEO von Tesla und SpaceX, hat mit seinen unverblümten Ansichten zu einem polarisierenden Thema erneut Schlagzeilen gemacht – diesmal dreht sich die Debatte um Läufer im…
Elon Musk deckt brisanten Skandal auf: Jay-Z zahlte 20 Millionen Dollar an Radiosender, 40 Millionen Dollar an Country-Sender und 110 Millionen Dollar für gefälschte Downloads, um sicherzustellen, dass Beyoncé im Rahmen eines Millionenbetrugs den Preis für das beste Country-Album „gewann“.
In einer Enthüllung, die die Musik- und Unterhaltungsbranche erschütterte, hat der Milliardär und Unternehmer Elon Musk angebliche Millionenzahlungen von Jay-Z aufgedeckt, um Beyoncé bei der jüngsten Preisverleihung den Preis für…
Whoopi Goldberg sendet eine 8-Wort-Nachricht an die Hasser von „The View“, die die Welt schockiert
Whoopi Goldberg war noch nie jemand, der Kontroversen aus dem Weg ging, und kürzlich hatte sie eine kurze, aber deutliche Botschaft an die Kritiker, die die Absetzung von The View fordern :…
NO ONE WAITS! Richard Gere LEAVES the country and DESTROYS Elon Musk with a brutal 8-word statement
In a shocking turn of events, Hollywood veteran Richard Gere has officially left the United States, and he’s not going quietly. The acclaimed actor, known for his roles in Pretty Woman and An…
ENORME CONTROVÉRSIA: Elon Musk diz que “NENHUM HOMEM BIOLÓGICO” deveria competir em desportos femininos – a declaração explode no Twitter!
Elon Musk, o empreendedor bilionário e CEO da Tesla e da SpaceX, mais uma vez acendeu uma tempestade de controvérsias com sua última declaração sobre gênero e esportes. Em uma…
BOMBSHELL! IndyCar Champion Josef Newgarden Criticizes NASCAR’s Financial Inequality, Calls for Parity in Racing
The world of motorsports is no stranger to fierce competition, but the latest controversy is not between drivers on the track, but between the major racing circuits themselves. Josef Newgarden,…
Elon Musk Destapa Escándalo Explosivo: Jay-Z Desembolsó 20 Millones a Radios, 40 Millones a Emisoras Country y 110 Millones en Descargas Falsas para Asegurar que Beyoncé ‘Ganara’ el Premio al Mejor Álbum Country en una Trama Millonaria
In a revelation that has rocked the music and entertainment industries, billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk has exposed alleged multimillion-dollar payments made by Jay-Z to ensure Beyoncé won Best Country Album…
Após um confronto aceso com Elon Musk, Alyssa Milano anuncia a sua decisão de vender todas as suas propriedades em estados vermelhos e deixar os EUA (ver no primeiro comentário👇)
A renomada atriz e ativista Alyssa Milano voltou a ser o centro das atenções após um confronto acalorado com Elon Musk. A estrela de Hollywood, conhecida por suas posições políticas…
Elon Musk Goes on the Attack: ‘Immediately Strip Transgender Katie Spencer of Her Gold Medal, Don’t Let “W0KE” People Ruin American Sports!
Eloп Mυsk, the billioпaire CEO of Tesla aпd SpaceX, has made headliпes oпce agaiп with his oυtspokeп views oп a polariziпg issυe—this time, the debate sυrroυпdiпg traпsgeпder athletes iп competitive…
Whoopi Goldberg Sends 8-Word Message to ‘The V.i.e.w’ Haters That Shocks the World
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Reviravolta No Desporto! Lia Thomas Perde Todas As Medalhas, E Riley Gaines Será A Nova Campeã Graças A Forças Externas 🏊♀️🏅⚡
Uma decisão sem precedentes está sacudindo o mundo da natação. A nadadora trans Lia Thomas, que se tornou um dos nomes mais controversos do esporte feminino, perdeu todas as suas medalhas…
¡Los 10 últimos descubrimientos arqueológicos en Egipto que han sacudido a los científicos de todo el mundo en 2025!
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ÚLTIMA HORA: Elon Musk reveló que Jay-Z pagó 20 millones de dólares a programas de radio, 40 millones a emisoras de música country y 110 millones por descargas para que Beyoncé pudiera ganar el premio al Mejor Álbum Country.
Multimillonario de tecnologíaElon almizcleha provocado otra gran controversia, alegando queJay-Z gastó más de $ 170 millonesinfluir en la industria de la música y asegurarse de queBeyoncé ganó el mejor álbum…
أحدث 10 اكتشافات أثرية في مصر هزت علماء العالم
أحدث 10 اكتشافات أثرية في مصر هزت علماء العالم تواصل مصر كشف أسرارها القديمة، حيث تُلقي الاكتشافات الحديثة ضوءًا جديدًا على حضارتها الغنية. إليكم عشرة اكتشافات رائدة أسرت علماء الآثار…
Anoche, Steph Curry atrapó a un niño en la basura y realizó una acción que sorprendió al mundo.
Anoche, Steph Curry atrapó a un niño en la basura y tomó una acción que sorprendió al mundo En un inesperado giro de los acontecimientos, la superestrella de la NBA…
BUBBA WALLACE IS MAD! 🔥 Being called the “MOST USELESS RACER” and “THE STUPIDEST” in NASCAR history – These harsh words have sparked a fierce debate in the racing world. Wallace’s angry reaction not only shocked fans but also sent the entire NASCAR…
Bubba Wallace, one of the most talked-about drivers in NASCAR, has found himself at the center of a heated controversy. The racing star, who has consistently faced scrutiny throughout his…
Airport Staff Kicked Oυt Me’arah O’Neal, Bυt Regretted Everything When Her Father Big Sh@q Arrived!
On a cloudless morning, the vast expanse of Los Angeles International Airport hummed with the usual rush of travelers, the whir of rolling suitcases, and the clink of coffee cups….
“Dale Jr.’s 18-year-old kid goes wild as an $18 billion mega-partner suddenly hands him a mind-blowing, once-in-a-lifetime experience after a dramatic comeback!”
The world of motorsports is buzzing with excitement as Dale Earnhardt Jr.’s 18-year-old son experiences the kind of opportunity that most young racers can only dream of. Thanks to a…